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Repiping: How to replace plumbing in an old house?
Austin Palmer If you’ve ever lived in an old house, you know they’re full of character—and plumbing that sometimes seems as ancient as the pyramids! Repiping isn’t just about preventing leaks; it’s about making your home safer and more efficient. Let’s dive into how you can tackle this monumental task, whether you plan to DIY…
How Does a Tankless Gas Water Heater Work?
Austin Palmer Today, we’re diving into the magic behind tankless gas water heaters. You’ve probably heard of these gadgets as the sleek, efficient cousins of the old-school tank water heaters. If you’re curious about how these modern marvels work and whether they might be right for your home, you’ve come to the right place! What…
What Are Natural Gas Tankless Water Heaters?
Austin Palmer Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a shower, soap in your hair, only to be blasted by icy water because someone else in the house just flushed the toilet? Or maybe you’ve cringed at your utility bill and wondered where you could cut costs. If so, it might be time…
Why Do You Really Need Plumbing Drain Cleaning Services?
Clogged drains can be a real headache, leading to slow drainage, unpleasant odors, and even plumbing emergencies if not addressed promptly. This article will discuss why drain cleaning is an essential part of home maintenance, the benefits of regular cleaning, and the warning signs that indicate it’s time to call a professional plumber. Benefits of…
What Should I Expect During a Drain Cleaning Service?
Austin Palmer Hey there! If you’ve stumbled upon this post, you might be facing the dreaded gurgle of a slow-draining sink, or perhaps you’re battling a stubborn clog that refuses to quit. As someone who’s navigated the murky waters of home maintenance, I want to share what you can expect when you call in the…
Can I Install a Water Softener for My Washing Machine?
Hard water can cause a range of issues in your home, especially when it comes to washing clothes. Mineral deposits from hard water can make your laundry look dingy, feel rough, and even lead to the buildup of residue in your washing machine. One solution to this problem is installing a water softener specifically for…
How to Choose a Water Softener: Expert Tips for Hard Water Solutions
Austin Palmer Hey there! If you’re tired of dealing with the pesky effects of hard water—like spots on dishes, stiff laundry, and a shower that leaves your skin feeling dry—you might be in the market for a water softener. As a professional plumber, I’ve seen firsthand the difference a water softener can make in a…
Water Softener Vs. Water Filter: Which Do You Need?
Austin Palmer Hello, water warriors! Are you tired of dealing with spots on your dishes or that chlorine taste in your tap water? You’re not alone. Many homeowners face a variety of water issues that can be solved by either a water softener or a water filter—or maybe even both. As a part of the…
Can Homeowners Replace Their Own Hot Water Heaters?
Austin Palmer Over the years, I’ve seen my fair share of water heater installations and repairs. Whether you’re faced with a failing heater or planning a proactive replacement, you might be wondering if this is a project you can handle yourself or if it’s better to call in the pros. Today, I’m here to…
Leak Detection in Austin, TX: Your Go-To Guide
Let’s chat about something that might not be the most exciting topic at your next barbecue but is absolutely crucial to keeping your home happy and healthy: leak detection. Now, if you’re thinking, “Leaks? In my house?” you’re not alone. It’s a common issue here in Austin, and not just because of our love for…